Guess With Jess Lost Episode: Jess' Suicide

The Story How Jess became ANNOYING!(Bonus)

Do you remember that Kitten from Mailman Pat? He became annoying asshole Because of that Super fucking annoying cartoon called Guess With Jess.
The End.

Chapter 1:The CD

Do you remember that annoying little Kitten asshole Jess From Mailman Pat? Yeah, He's From Guess With Jess too.
But this story About The Lost Episode.
When My daddy bought for my little brother Guess With Jess Cd, The Jess was Killed in label, My Dad Was so shocked, But cashier said buy it, With Team Umizoomi, I was used my brave skill to watch that Jess, so i Smashed that CD Into my computer, And the video started,

Chapter 2: The episode

Intro music was reverse, and then the episode's name was

Jess' suicide. He said: Fuck myself
But i thought This cartoon doesn't fucking swear (I Swore)
Then He had a gun and he aimed at his head, And he said
Choose my last choices: Suicide, Suicide, Suicide
Then it choosed all suicides. He shot himself. The episode Ended with Suicidejess.avi
That was extremly radicaly Disgusting. In split second, the suicidejess.avi ended with a picture his eyes were black sockets again! What just happening? This was ended (Eyes with Black sockets) with ['s_suicide TUFF Puppy Lost episode] And ! So, if you come across this episode, DON'T FUCKING WATCH IT!